Traktory i sel hozmashiny
The peer-reviewed journal «Tractors and Agricultural Machinery» publish six times a year (bimonthly).
Leading journal of tractor and agricultural machinery industry, which acquired a reputation of impartial, reliable and informative edition.
Mission of the journal is to keep experts informed of the latest achievements of scientific and engineering thought, to familiarize them with the results of tests of new tractors and agricultural machines, as well as with new trends of development of the agroindustrial complex.
Main themes:
- agricultural machinery market;
- environmentally friendly technologies and equipment;
- new machines and equipment;
- theory, designing, testing;
- quality, reliability;
- agricultural service;
- foreign agricultural technologies and equipment;
- economics, organization and technology of production;
- exhibitions, fairs, conferences.
- Eco-Vector
Valery Kaminsky, Ph.D., Professor
- Russian Science Citation Index
- Google Scholar
- WorldCat
- Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory
- Open Access
- No APC
- СС BY-NC-ND 4.0 International
Eco-Vector is a new publisher of the «Tractors and Agricultural Machinery» journalPosted: 28.01.2022 The Eco-Vector publishing house became one of the founders and became the publisher of the «Tractors and Agricultural Machinery» journal. The journal was re-registered with Roskomnadzor and continues to be published quarterly in Open Access under the strict scientific guidance of the editor-in-chief and the entire editorial board. Mass media registration certificate PI No.ФС 77 — 81900 dated 05.10.2021. |
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Current Issue
Vol 89, No 2 (2022)
Full Issue
Hystory articles
The creators of tracked agricultural tractors. Dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the first domestic tractor engineering bureau
Kosenko V.V.
90 years ago, in 1932, Design and Experimental Department (DED STP) was established at Stalingrad Tractor Plant – the first specialized design department of tractor engineering in our country. During the time of existence of this department, the factory chief design engineers were V.G. Stankevich (1932–1938), M.M. Romanov (1938–1940), V.A. Kargopolov (1943–1949), A.K. Platonov (1949–1950), A.Ya. Merilov (1951–1957), M.A. Sharov (1958–1980), V.P. Shevchuk (1980–1996), V.Ya. Bokov (1996–1998), I.A. Dolgov (1998–2005), V.V. Kosenko (2006–2010).
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2022;89(2):81-90
Environmentally friendly technologies and equipment
Optimization of the main parameters of the diesel engine during its operation on the multicomponent biofuel composition
Plotnikov S. A., Kartashevich A.N., Simonov M.V., Shipin A.I.
BACKGROUND: When conducting experimental studies aimed at finding optimal parameters of the diesel engine operating mode, as well as other objects, the issue of reducing the volume of the experiment becomes acute. The use of modern methods of planning, obtaining, processing and analyzing experimental data allows to reduce significantly the number of experiments conducted without notable loss of the reliability of the data obtained.
METHODS: In order to determine the optimal values of the main parameters, affecting the effective indicators of the 4ChN 11.0/12.5 diesel engine when operating on the multicomponent biofuel composition and a mathematical description of their relationship, a second-order three-factor Box – Benken plan was implemented. These factors are effective load, crankshaft rotational speed, and fuel injection advance angle. The diesel engine operation studies were performed on the most stable mixture of the multicomponent biofuel composition, including the following ingredients, wt %: rapeseed oil – 34.5; ethanol – 31.0; diesel fuel – 34.5. The search of a compromise solution for the optimal combination of the levels of studied factors was performed with the method of superimposing of bidimensional sections of the response surfaces of the effective efficiency factor and the specific effective fuel consumption.
RESULTS: Adequate models of second-order regression analysis of changes in effective efficiency factor and specific effective fuel consumption have been obtained. The factor space is described and grapho-analytical studies are carried out. The analysis of regression models and bidimensional sections of response surfaces allowed to determine the optimal values of the studied factors. The method for determining the optimal load and speed ranges of the diesel engine operation, using the multicomponent biofuel composition, has been optimized due to the application of the experimental plan and the description of the factor space by mathematical models, while number of experiments was reduced.
CONCLUSIONS: The optimal area of the combination of the factors is in the range of varying the rotational speed of the diesel engine crankshaft n=1400…1550 rpm and the effective load Pe=0.68…0.85 MPa at the fuel injection advance angle Ѳinj=23.5 degrees to TDC. Considering the variable nature of the load and speed modes of a diesel engine in a real operation environment, the obtained data are of practical interest.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2022;89(2):91-99
New machines and equipment
The Method of Determination of Properties of Air Springs with Two Pressure Stages and Counterpressure
Nakaznoy O.
BACKGROUND: The issues of choosing reasonable properties for suspension system of wheeled vehicles, including vehicles for agricultural purposes, still remain relevant, especially for the vehicles, which load capacity is comparable to their curb mass. Significant difference between static loads, acting in suspension under the curb and total masses of a vehicle, is a consequence of high load capacity. Two or three times difference is possible (depending on axles load distribution), whereas 70% to 80% of mass of trailing load is on rear axles. Use of convenient suspension systems with metal springs is not able to ensure demanded nonlinearity of properties, where non-zero static wheel travel under the curb mass is kept with reasonable value of period of vertical eigenmodes for curb-massed and total-massed vehicle as well as with dynamic factor value. Air springs with two pressure stages are more advanced solution, as they allow choosing stiffness for small and large wheel travel by means of operation of different pressure stages, which volumes are conditioned by differents stiffnesses in area of static displacement.
AIMS: The aim of the study, which results are given in this paper, is to develop the method of determination of main design parameters and characteristics of air springs with two pressure stages (stiffnesses) and counterpressure, applicable for ensuring non-zero static wheel travel of curb-massed vehicles with keeping the given value of dynamic factor.
METHODS: The analytical analysis methods are used.
RESULTS: An example of implementation of the developed method for the KamAZ-53215 Sel’hoznik truck is given as the study result.
CONCLUSIONS: The dependencies, presented in the paper, make possible to determine main design parameters of uncontrolled air suspensions with two pressure stages (and stiffnesses) and counterpressure for wheeled vehicles, which give an opportunity to ensure given values of static wheel travel and dynamic factor and, in addition, provide insignificant increase of stiffness in comparison to air suspensions without counterpressure.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2022;89(2):101-110
Theory, designing, testing
Experimental assessment of the temperature state of tractor diesel pistons
Belov V.P., Apelinskiy D.V., Bezhenar V.N.
INTRODUCTION: The paper presents the operating conditions of tractor diesel engines that cause the appearance of thermal fatigue cracks on the edges of the piston combustion chamber. The presence of sharp edges of the combustion chamber in the pistons, which are stress concentrators, leads to an increase in the probability of their destruction and thereby limits the engine life of the diesel engine. The main reasons for the formation of cracks in the zone of the edge of the combustion chamber are indicated.
AIMS: The aim of this study is the assessment of the temperature state of pistons of the D-240 and the D-245 tractor diesel engines, produced by Minsk Motor Plant (MMP).
METHODS: Temperature gauging was carried out according to the method in order to identify the nature of changing of piston heads temperatures under stationary and nonstationary operation modes of diesel engines. Transfering of thermal electromotive force from thermocouples to measuring devices was carried out by means of an intermittent current collector. Imitaion of nonstationary operation modes was carried out by means of changing the cyclic feed of a high pressure fuel pump, using a reversible electric motor.
RESULTS: The data of the temperature state of pistons under various stationary and nonstationary operation modes of engines is provided. It is noted that the temperature state of the D-245 diesel pistons has a higher level of heat stress compared to the D-240 diesel pistons. The maximum amplitude of low-frequency temperature fluctuations at the edge of the combustion chamber and their radial differences along the piston bottom are determined, depending on the parameters of thermal loading cycles. It is noted that the most dangerous modes of diesel operation, in terms of the destruction of the edge of the combustion chamber, are sharply changing modes (eg.: the“loading – unloading” mode).
CONCLUSIONS: It is proposed to increase the fuel injection advance angle in the thermal loading cycle in order to conduct accelerated comparative tests of piston variants for thermal resistance. The developed thermal loading cycle, in which the total duration of the load increase is 180 s and the total duration of the load decrease is 90 s, can be recommended for accelerated motor tests of pistons for thermal cycling resistance. The obtained temperature measurement data is recommended to clarify boundary conditions of the first kind when calculating the piston using the FEM method.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2022;89(2):111-120
Results of the simulation of tracked vehicles ride considering the interaction with a deformable road
Nosov S.V., Peregudov N.E.
BACKGROUND: Tracked vehicles motion on a deformable road, which can be, for instance, cross-country terrain or field of various agricultural plants, is defined with various indicators. Depending on environment conditions, road surface properties etc., some of these indicators are chosen as main criteria of vehicles operational and technical performance assessment. Search of optimal parameters and operation modes of tracked vehicles demands using numerical modelling of considered processes.
AIMS: Using imitational modelling, to obtain visual representation of influence of path unevenness, path microprofile, tracked vehicle velocity, its layout, nature of relation between particular unit assemblies, systems and their properties, physical and mechanical road properties regarding rheological approach to determination of them, state parameters of road material on change of tracked vehicles ride comfort indicators.
METHODS: Results of simulation of ride comfort indicators for various tracked vehicles, obtained with the known earlier mathematical model, which considers design and technological properties of them as well as road surface state parameters, presented as physical and mechanical properties, based on a well-known rheological approach, are presented in the article. Agricultural tractors of different mass and the S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems, based on the 832M tracked chassis, are considered as tracked vehicles.
RESULTS: Analysis of obtained relations, based on use of imitational modelling, revealed a set of patterns of tracked vehicles ride comfort indicators changing. It is defined that consideration of rheological characteristics and state parameters of a soil layer helps to improve simulation accuracy significantly. The obtained data shows the influence of velocity, mass and base length of tracked vehicles, offset of pressure center of caterpillar mover and other design parameters on growth of vertical and longitudinal-angular oscillations.
CONCLUSIONS: The conducted study contributes to optimal development of tracked vehicles and assembling of different machine-tractor units, performing demanded technological operations in different conditions with specific road surface state parameters.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2022;89(2):121-132
Quality, reliability
Justification of the design parameters of the blade of the rotary working body of the solid fertilizer spreader
Shvarts A.A., Korotkov I.V.
BACKGROUND: Organic, mineral and organomineral fertilizers in both granular and powder form are used in agricultural production in order to increase of soil fertility significantly, as well as to replenish soil reserves of micro-, meso- and macroelements. For fertilizer screening on a surface of a field, agricultural producers use machines with centrifugal-type working bodies which have horizontal or vertical rotation axis. In pursuance of the task of reducing the shift time consumption, a number of researchers find it reasonable to use a low-frame design of the machine to make direct loading of it from the dump truck body possible. For machines, having such design, rotary spreading working bodies with blades on a horizontal rotation axis are the most suitable.
AIMS: The article is concerned with the justification of the design parameters of the blades of the rotary spreading working body of the low-frame body spreader of solid mineral and organomineral fertilizers.
METHODS: The length of the working surface of the rotor blade with a horizontal rotation axis is justified theoretically for the most uniform distribution of solid fertilizers. An example of calculating the length of the blade of such a device based on the previously established overall dimensions of the spreader is given.
RESULTS: On the basis of experimental data, the expediency of using trough-shaped blades with a length of 110 mm was confirmed. The most effective design parameters of the dimensions of the rotor blades for screening fertilizers were established, taking into account the reduction of possible options for fertilizer granules crushing by means of preventing their recirculation inside the rotor casing. The relevance of research of devices with rotary working bodies on horizontal axes of rotation is argued.
CONCLUSIONS: Possible prospects for future research and the possibility of further improvement of the low-frame granular fertilizer spreader are proposed.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2022;89(2):133-140
Physical and chemical analysis of watered engine oil
Kolunin A. V.
BACKGROUND: The condition of engine chemistroils работыdefines reliability of piston engines operation additivessubstantially. However, colloid-chemical transformation, influenced by various factors, including oil watering, takes place in oils during storage and application. There is variety of ways how water may inflow in engine oils.
AIMS: The aim of the study is to reveal consequences of oil watering and negative influence of water on operational properties of engine oils.
METHODS: Watering of production engine oils was carried out in laboratory conditions. Mixes hazievof engine oils with water were prepared in various proportions. Influence of water on the condition of engine ёмкостoils уровнемwas estimated by visual observation, as well asокисления with application of the methods according to GOSTя and ASTM standards. The laboratory equipment, produced in Russia and the USA, provides comprehensible depth of scientific knowledge of physical and chemical processes.
RESULTS: The assessment of water influence on the engine oil condition was carried out on the basis of observation and the analysis of charactieristic curves. Change of concentration of additives, dissolved at the oil base, was estimated with change of base number and indicator elements.
CONCLUSIONS: The practical significance of this study involves integrity of the approach to the issueизменению of the engine oil condition change, influenced by water, regarding the concentration of the dissolved additives. Unjustifiably active processes of corrosion and wear of details surfaces are possible consequences of oil watering. Crankshaft bearings coating has the highest vulnerability to the influence of acids. The mentioned consequences have a negative impact on service life and reliability of piston engines operation.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2022;89(2):141-148
Economics, organization and technology of production
Modernization of the granular materials dryer
Altukhova T. A., Altukhov S.V., Shukhanov S.N.
BACKGROUND: The solving of priority tasks for the development of the agro-industrial complex considers the creation of advanced scientific developments. Innovative research of technical means and technologies of mechanization of agricultural production is not an exception in this regard. In the agricultural sector of Russia, crop production occupies a key place, in which the cultivation of grain crops is a priority. In the whole range of operations in the production of grain, the most important part of it is post-harvest processing of grain. One of the main stages in the post-harvest processing of grain is drying, in which the raw materials are brought to the moisture regain (down to 14%). Proper preparation of grain for storage ensures its reliable safety.
AIMS: Modernization of the granular materials dryer by means of new technical solution at the level of patentability.
METHODS: Research of the state of the issue on the topic under consideration with the help of a review of literary sources. Patent search for technical devices of grain dryers. Studying the principle of their functioning and design features. Analysis and generalization of the material for the adoption of a new design solution.
RESULTS: The use of innovative technologies with the new generation harvesters, characterized by high productivity, has significantly reduced the duration of harvesting, and this, in turn, has significantly aroused the interest in drying. The use of dryers with improved quality indicators of functioning significantly reduces the time for preparing raw materials for long-term storage, reduces grain losses in the field during harvesting, and, in addition, makes it possible to carry out the process of transferring grain from the field to a special long-term storage warehouse in the shortest possible time and with the least losses. There are various ways of drying granular materials. These are main methods based on increasing the temperature of the processed material. Drying of grain with the help of heated air has become the most widespread.
CONCLUSIONS: As a result of the conducted research, the drawbacks of existing technical devices for granular materials drying, as well as the principles of their functioning, have been revealed. A detailed analysis of literary sources, including a patent search, made it possible to upgrade the processed raw materials dryer, characterized by a simple and reliable design.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2022;89(2):149-153
СМИ зарегистрировано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор).
Регистрационный номер и дата принятия решения о регистрации СМИ: ПИ № ФС 77 — 81900 выдано 05.10.2021.
Научные журналы / ВАК и РИНЦ
Подробная информация о научном журнале «ТРАКТОРЫ И СЕЛЬХОЗМАШИНЫ»: официальный сайт, ISSN, индексация в ВАК и РИНЦ. Данные могут быть неактуальными.
Издательство | федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Московский политехнический университет» |
Др. названия | Предыдущее название: Тракторы и сельскохозяйственные машины (до 2009 года) |
Основание | 1930 |
Языки | — |
Рецензии | да |
Вид рецензий | — |
Перевод | — |
Сокращение | — |
Страна | Россия |
Город | Москва |
ISSN | 0321-4443 |
Онлайн ISSN | — |
Сайт | http://mospolytech.![]() |
— | |
Англ. ISSN | — |
Англ. название | — |
Web of Science | нет |
Scopus | нет |
РИНЦ | да |
ВАК | включен |
Базы данных | — |
Реферативный | нет |
Мультидисцип. | нет |
Рубрики и коды 55.57.00 Тракторное и сельскохозяйственное машиностроение 68.00.00 Сельское и лесное хозяйство 81.00.00 Общие и комплексные проблемы технических и прикладных наук и отраслей народного хозяйства | |
Описание Тракторы и сельхозмашины — ведущий журнал отрасли тракторного и сельхозмашиностроения, за долгие годы существования зарекомендовавший себя как объективное, надёжное и информационно насыщенное издание. ![]() ![]() |
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Farm Machinery Journal — это ежемесячный журнал, посвященный современной сельскохозяйственной технике, от тракторов до комбайнов и от погрузчиков до навесного оборудования. Сосредоточив внимание на самых последних разработках в области сельского хозяйства, вы откроете для себя эксклюзивные первые заезды, тесты на нескольких машинах и отчеты обо всем новейшем оборудовании. Есть текущие отчеты о том, как машины поживают в ваших руках, а также руководства по покупке, которые помогут упростить эти важные решения при обновлении вашего парка. Каждое испытание, отчет и руководство содержат экспертные отзывы пользователей и мнения профессионалов, всю свою трудовую жизнь эксплуатирующих самые современные машины. Если он найден на ферме, вы найдете его в журнале Farm Machinery Journal.
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Tractor & Machinery — Библиотеки Nebraska OverDrive
Tractor & Machinery — самый продаваемый в мире журнал о тракторах. Это 180-страничное издание, поступившее в продажу каждые четыре недели, охватывает тракторы с 1940-х по 1990-е годы, отражающие эпоху огромных изменений в сельскохозяйственной технике. Начиная с послевоенных дней жесткой экономии, когда тракторы стали более распространены на нашей земле, до 1990-х, когда новые технологии навсегда изменили сельское хозяйство, Tractor & Machinery предлагает эксклюзивные истории владельцев, исторические профили, истории восстановления, практические советы, а также последние новости и результаты продаж в мире тракторов. Каждый выпуск Tractor & Machinery посвящен самым популярным маркам и моделям, таким как Massey Ferguson, Ford, New Holland, International, John Deere и многим другим. Кроме того, журнал также освещает некоторые из самых необычных тракторов и навесного оборудования. Для тех, у кого есть практические знания, есть специальный раздел «Мастерская» с важными практическими советами, подсказками и подсказками. Кроме того, есть раздел «Ферма и садоводство», посвященный небольшим машинам и орудиям.
Tractor & Machinery — единственный журнал, предлагающий такое огромное разнообразие контента, и с момента его запуска в 1994 Tractor & Machinery становится все сильнее и сильнее и в настоящее время является самым продаваемым в мире журналом о тракторах с поклонниками по всему миру. Издание известно тем, что ежемесячно публикует самые авторитетные, подробные и интересные статьи, включая эксклюзивные истории владельцев, исторические профили. , истории реставрации, практические советы и многое другое.
Трактор и техника
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. модель из диапазона, который обычно считается разочаровывающим.
Флаер флагмана • Модель 7610, возможно, покорила сердца многих, но модель 8210 заслуживает большого уважения как топовая модель Series 10, как объясняет Джонатан Уитлам.
Входящие • Письма, электронная почта, твиты и посты
Невоспетые герои • Незамеченные и иногда забытые, но не преданными поклонниками, есть много тракторов, построенных в 1980-х годах, которые заслуживают большего признания, чем получают. На следующих нескольких страницах пять наших любимых.
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IH 856XL
John Deere 2650
Leyland 4 2 5 907
Leyland 40006 С Днем отца • У нас есть что-то для всех в этот День отца. Увлекается ли он сельским хозяйством, спортом, автомобилями или фотографией, у нас есть подписка на любой интерес и хобби.
Эпическое путешествие • В этом грандиозном приключении, по словам Грэма Делла, «Два старых чудака пытаются совершить невозможное!»
Опрыскивание и разбрасывание • Мы вспоминаем некоторые незамеченные и забытые орудия, используемые для опрыскивания и внесения удобрений.
Deere в деталях • Джозеф Льюис находит захватывающую информацию о коллекции классических тракторов John Deere в Южном Сомерсете.